Tallying work done over last 3 months. Collected old style bear mask made from red cedar bark. Went up to Xwa̱mdasbeʼ to collect house posts. Will go up to Gardener Inlet in the fall when people are away there. Will work more on obtaining items and stories from Fort Rupert requested by Boas.
Wrote about Kwagu'ł names and their high eagle seats, about MaxmEwesagEme of Dzawada̱ʼenuxw who married a Heiltsuk woman, son married Mama̱liliḵa̱la, and daughter married Kwexa, and son married 'Na̱mǥis. Discusses how names and seats are given out.
Was at Rivers Inlet learning about birth, marriage, and "how the names scatter to different tribes." Writing now about Tower of "Babylon". Writing about how Fort Rupert married to a Heiltsuk chief's dahghter, how other son and daughter got married to Haisla, and use of names through these marriages (relating to Boas' recent request to write about Fort Rupert individuals' family histories.)